degli Studi di Trieste
di Laurea in Scienze e Tecniche dell’Interculturalità
e in D.A.M.S.
dei Paesi di Lingua Inglese
Mario Faraone
Ultimo aggiornamento: 14 aprile 2008
Cosa c'è di nuovo?
Riorganizzate diverse
sezioni, soprattutto mettendo i links in ordine alfabetico (l'articolo viene
ignorato: l'ordine alfabetico riguarda la prima parola significativa del
e aggiornati i "dead links".
moltissimi nuovi links di interesse generale e specifico.
nuove sezioni.
e ampliate le descrizioni dei siti.
Inserite procedure
per l'accesso a parti specifici dei siti (per esempio "immagini" o "testi")
laddove sono risultate necessarie.
Inserito un
menù di rimando
alle varie sezioni di questa pagina; questo permette:
di avere una visione
d'insieme delle sezioni che compongono la raccolta di links;
di raggiungere
rapidamente la sezione che interessa;
e di poter tornare al
menù stesso con il comando "Torna al menù principale", inserito alla fine di
ogni sezione.
"Giustificato" il
testo di tutte le voci, in modo da evitare l'orrendo "effetto scaletta"!
le nuove voci con l'immagine
Consultate comunque
il disclaimer,
alla fine di questa pagina di links.
per ricerche letterarie
Risorse generali
Risorse specifiche
Reference e
Antologie, Enciclopedie e Storie della Letteratura
Dizionari e Glossari
Siti specifici
su autori e periodi
Renaissance and Elizabethan
William Shakespeare
The Tempest
Romeo and Juliet
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Siti con immagini
Eighteenth Century
William Beckford
Jonathan Swift
Samuel Johnson
The Age of Sensibility
Victorian Age
E.M. Forster
George Orwell
Guerra di Spagna
Postmodernism and Contemporary
Children Literature
Literature and Travel Studies
sulle letterature dei paesi di lingua inglese
Risorse generali
Sub-Continente Indiano
Bollywood e Cinema Indiano
su arti grafiche, drammaturgia, cinema e televisione
Arti grafiche
Drammaturgia e Teatro
utili e risorse
Per facilitare la navigazione sul web e la ricerca
in ambito letterario, ritengo opportuno offrire una scelta di link utili e di
indirizzi di risorse. Ovviamente, molti altri sono gli URL di uguale interesse,
ma dimensioni e finalità del presente sito rendono necessario effettuare una
selezione che tenga conto della praticità e dell'effettiva utilità.
Questa selezione eterogenea è destinata:
agli studenti che debbono sostenere l'esame con
la mia cattedra e vogliono approfondire gli argomenti secondo un personale
percorso culturale;
agli studenti che intendono produrre un
elaborato scritto ("tesina") su un argomento/approfondimento
concordato con il docente;
agli studenti laureandi che necessitano di
strumenti di ricerca per i materiali critici necessari per l'ideazione, lo
sviluppo e la stesura del proprio progetto.
MIUR - Ministero
dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca
ufficiale del MIUR (ex MURST). Da qui è possibile fare ricerche sia nell'ambito
del Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, sia in quello del MInistero
dell'Università e della Ricerca. E' anche possibile raggiungere i siti di tutte
le università italiane.
Università degli
Studi di Trieste
sito è ovviamente accessibile da qualunque punto Internet dell'università. Per
comodità, ritengo utile inserire il link anche in questa mia pagina di ricerca.
E' inoltre possibile accedere alla homepage del sito di Scienze
e Tecniche dell'Interculturalità, gestito dalla Prof. Monique Gradolato, e
al sito del D.A.M.S., gestito dal Prof. Paolo Quazzolo.
Università degli
Studi di Roma
Presso il sito del dipartimento di Anglistica,
è presente una selezione più ampia di link utili per la ricerca letteraria,
sempre da me curata.
Torna al menù
- Catalogo Nazionale dei Periodici
Sito ospitato dal CIB
Centro Inter-Bibliotecario Università di Bologna. Permette di
individuare in quale biblioteca pubblica italiana si trova una determinata
ICCU - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico
Sito ufficiale dell'Istituto Centrale per il
Catalogo Unico. Contiene l'OPAC dell'Indice SBN (maschera
di ricerca).
– Metaopac Azalai Italiano
Dalla homepage del sito: Questo
metaOPAC è indicato per la ricerca di documenti poco comuni non trovati in
altri cataloghi italiani.
Poiché il MAI
interroga contemporaneamente molti cataloghi, conviene utilizzarlo per cercare
documenti posseduti da poche biblioteche, che non si è riusciti a trovare in
altri cataloghi di biblioteche vicine al luogo dove ci si trova, o in grandi
cataloghi collettivi italiani come SBN
(Servizio bibliotecario nazionale) e ACNP
(Catalogo nazionale dei periodici). Cercando nel MAI documenti comuni, invece,
si otterrebbero molte risposte, che risulterebbe scomodo esaminare.
al menù
Polo delle Biblioteche dell'Università di Trieste
Sito ufficiale del polo bibliotecario
dell'università di Trieste. E' possibile ricercare anche nelle biblioteche
aderenti all'OPAC del Polo SBN della Venezia Giulia.
Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale
di Roma "Vittorio
Emanuele II"
Sito ufficiale della biblioteca nazionale italiana
(maschera di
Biblioteca di Teatro e Spettacolo "Burcardo"
La Biblioteca e Raccolta teatrale del
Burcardo, di proprietà della Società Italiana
degli Autori ed Editori, è aperta al pubblico dal 1932. Negli anni, ha
costantemente arricchito le sue raccolte con nuove acquisizioni.
The British Library
Sito ufficiale della biblioteca nazionale
inglese (maschera di ricerca).
University of
London Library "Senate House"
Sito ufficiale della biblioteca dell'università
di Londra.
Biblioteca Nacional
de España
Sito ufficiale della biblioteca nazionale
The Library of Congress
Sito ufficiale della biblioteca nazionale
Bibliothèque nationale de France
Sito ufficiale della biblioteca nazionale francese.
National Library of Canada
/ Bibliothèque Nationale du Canada
Sito ufficiale della biblioteca nazionale
Deutsche Bibliothek
Sito ufficiale della biblioteca nazionale tedesca
al menù
per ricerche letterarie
Risorse generali
Anglophile.org and Britishliterature.com
British Literature and Anglophile Resources
Annotated Webliography of Literary Resources
[Momentaneamente off-line]
Dalla Homepage del
Make Sense of the Past. This site is dedicated to bringing history to life,
for the casual browser and the total enthusiast. Experience history through
animations, games, movies and virtual tours, or delve into more than 450
feature articles by leading writers.
Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de
Dalla Homepage del
La Biblioteca
Virtual Miguel de Cervantes (BVMC), inaugurada en julio de 1999, es un
amplio proyecto de edición digital del patrimonio bibliográfico, documental
y crítico español e hispanoamericano, que pretende potenciar la expansión
universal de las culturas hispánicas a través de la utilización y aplicación
de los medios tecnológicos más avanzados.
Britannia British History
English Server (EServer) Iowa State
Dalla Homepage del sito: The EServer
is a growing online community where hundreds of writers, artists, editors and
scholars gather to publish and discuss their works.
- Internet
Public Library
Homepage del sito: The
Internet Public Library is a public service organization and a learning/teaching
environment at the University
of Michigan School of Information
Dalla Homepage del sito:
Literaryhistory.com is an index to free internet
articles on topics in English and American literature. It is designed to be
convenient and useful for students, scholars, writers, teachers, reading
groups, and general readers. All links lead directly to articles, and articles
must meet basic academic standards to be included. Literaryhistory.com is
edited by Jan Pridmore and has been online since 1998.
Resources on the Net – Rutgers University
Homepage del sito: This set of pages is a collection of links
to sites on the Internet dealing especially with English and American
literature, excluding most single electronic texts, and is limited to
collections of information useful to academics — I've excluded most poetry
journals, for instance.
Media History Project
Homepage del sito: Promoting the study of media history from petroglyphs
to pixels. This site is hosted by the School
of Journalism and Mass Communication, College
of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota, with additional support from the CLA
Infotech Fees Committee.
and Documentation Online
ottimo sito gestito da Diana Hacker (Prince George’s Community College), con
le indicazioni su come “citare” in tesine, elaborati, paper e tesi di
laurea. Basato sul MLA (Modern Language Association) Handbook for Writers
of Research Papers, fornisce indicazioni su come organizzare la tesi, le
note e la bibliografia finale. Molto utile, soprattutto per la presenza di
numerosi esempi e della possibilità di scaricare un “sample paper” in
formato “.pdf”.
The Royal Anthropological Institute
Dalla Homepage del
The Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (RAI) is
the world's longest-established scholarly association dedicated to the
furtherance of anthropology (the study of humankind) in its broadest and
most inclusive sense. The Institute is a non-profit-making registered
charity and is entirely independent, with a Director and a small staff
accountable to the Council, which in turn is elected annually from the
Fellowship. It has a Royal Patron in the person of HRH The Duke of
Gloucester KG, GCVO.
SAC LitWeb
Homepage del sito:
Welcome to the San
Antonio College LitWeb, From The Department of English at San Antonio
College, Created by Roger Blackwell Bailey, Ph.D.
GUIDE TO WWW – compiled by Richard Jensen
raccolta davvero notevole di links per “references” nei vari campi delle
“Umanities Sciences”. Utilissima per qualunque tipo di ricerca, Richard
Jensen la tiene aggiornata con frequenza.
Homepage del sito:
Jensen is a scholar with many books and articles; he was professor of history
for over 35 years at several schools, including the University of Illinois,
Harvard, Michigan, West Point, and Moscow State University. This Guide was prepared with
support from the National Endowment for Humanities, the Center for Global
Partnership of the Japan Foundation, the University of Illinois, RPI, the
Gilder-Lehrman Foundation, the Luce Foundation, and the Robert H. Michel Civic
Education Grants sponsored by The Dirksen Congressional Center. Scholars are
invited to post the complete Guide to campus WWW sites and distribute
it to students.
Stmoderna – Risorse online
per la storia moderna
Dalla Homepage del
Stmoderna ha due finalità strettamente connesse. Intende offrire agli
studiosi che praticano la storia moderna o discipline che si collocano in
questo settore alcuni strumenti primari di informazione e di orientamento.
Vuole aprire in questo modo una possibile via di comunicazione e di scambio
tra gli addetti ai lavori. Esso si rivolge in primo luogo agli studiosi
italiani che trattano di tematiche modernistiche, quali che siano gli ambiti
nazionali toccati, e agli studiosi stranieri che si occupano di storia
Voice of the
Database articolatissimo e
molto ben organizzato. Offre migliaia di link a fonti critiche e secondarie nello studio delle
"Scienze Umane". La sezione dedicata alla Letteratura di Lingua
Inglese è, ovviamente, ricchissima.
Dalla Homepage del sito: The
mission of Voice of the Shuttle has been to provide a structured and briefly
annotated guide to online resources that at once respects the established
humanities disciplines in their professional organization and points toward the
transformation of those disciplines as they interact with the sciences and
social sciences and with new digital media. (See such pages as Cultural
Studies, Sci-Tech
and Culture, Cyberculture,
and Technology of
Writing.) VoS emphasizes both primary and secondary (or theoretical)
resources, and defines its audience as people who have something to learn from a
higher-education, professional approach to the humanities (which in practice has
included students and instructors from the elementary school, high school, and
general population sectors).
al menù
Risorse specifiche
Reference e
Antologie, Enciclopedie e Storie della Letteratura
Bible Gateway
Homepage del sito: Welcome to BibleGateway.com, a free service for
reading and researching Scripture online--all in the language or translation
of your choice! We provide advanced tools you can use to search the Bible by
keywords or verse, as well as other tools to enhance your study of the Bible.
Cambridge History of English and American Literature
informatizzata dalla Bartleby.com e di pubblico accesso della celebre storia
letteraria in 18 volumi. Ancora scientificamente valida, seppure un po'
datata: ignora del tutto il mondo delle letterature dei paesi di lingua
in the History of Psychology
Homepage del sito:
Classics in the History of Psychology is an effort to make the full
texts of a large number of historically significant public domain documents
from the scholarly literature of psychology and allied disciplines available
on the World Wide Web. There are now over 25 books and about 200 articles and
chapters on-line. The site also contains links to over 200 relevant works
posted at other sites.
target audience is researchers, teachers, and students of the history of
psychology, both for use in their courses on the history of psychology, and
for the purposes of primary academic research.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Homepage del sito: The Dictionary of the History of Ideas: Studies of
Selected Pivotal Ideas, edited by Philip P. Wiener, was published by Charles
Scribner's Sons, New York, in 1973-74. […]However, the DHI has been
out of print for many years. Aware of the new potential offered by electronic
access to texts, the Directors and Board of Editors of the Journal of the
History of Ideas authorized a grant to support digitization of the DHI.
Substantial support has also been provided by the University of Virginia
Library through its Electronic Text Center. The project has been undertaken
with the permission of Charles Scribner's Sons and of The Gale Group, of which
Scribner's is a part.
invite those whose curiosity is stimulated by the Dictionary of the History
of Ideas to investigate the Library of the History of Ideas (University of
Rochester Press), which is made up of topical volumes containing articles
previously published in the Journal of the History of Ideas; or to
browse in the JHI itself.
Una delle molte enciclopedie consultabili tramite web.
Questa è però molto completa e frequentemente aggiornata.
Homepage del sito: Encyclopedia.com,
the Internet's premiere free encyclopedia, provides users with more than
57,000 frequently updated articles from the Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth
Edition. Each article is enhanced with links to newspaper and magazine
articles as well as pictures and maps - all provided by HighBeam Research.
Encyclopedia Mythica
Homepage del sito: Please
enter the award-winning internet encyclopedia of mythology, folklore, and
religion. Here you will find everything from A-gskw to Zveda Vechanyaya, with
plenty in between. […] The encyclopedia will serve the serious researcher,
the student, and the casual reader with equal success. Come in and enjoy!
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Homepage del sito: The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy was founded
in 1995 for the purpose of providing detailed, scholarly information on key
topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy. The IEP is free of charge
and available to all internet users world wide.
Modern History Sourcebook Main Page
Dalla Homepage del sito:
the Internet Modern History Sourcebook is one of series of
history primary sourcebooks. It is intended to serve the needs of teachers and
students in college survey courses in modern European history
and American history, as well as in modern Western
Civilization and World Cultures. Although this part
of the Internet
History Sourcebooks Project
began as a way to access texts that were already available on the Internet, it
now contains hundreds of texts made available locally.
The Literary Encyclopedia
Dalla Homepage del
Literary Encyclopedia
is an authoritative, up-to-date reference work written by named scholars,
most of whom are current university teachers. Its entries represent the
state of the art in scholarly understanding and it grows in scale every
week. Our aspiration is eventually to provide a scholarly description of
every author and text read in the English-speaking world.
Oxford Book of English Verse (1250–1900)
Chosen and Edited by A. T. Quiller-Couch (1919)
Homepage del sito: From Arthur Quiller-Couch’s 1919 Introduction to this extensive
collection: “For this Anthology I have tried to range over the whole field
of English Verse. [..] To bring home and render so great a spoil compendiously
has been my capital difficulty. It is for the reader to judge if I have so
managed it as to serve those who already love poetry and to implant that love
in some young minds not yet initiated. […]My wish is
that the reader should in his own pleasure quite forget the editor’s labour,
which too has been pleasant: that, standing aside, I may believe this book has
made the Muses’ access easier when, in the right hour, they come to him to
uplift or to console.”
The Perry Castañeda
Library - Maps Collection
Una ricchissima collezione di
mappe e carte geografiche appartenenti a diversi periodo della storia
dell'umanità. Molto utile per le ricerche, le mappe possono esere scaricate
e salvate per futura consultazione.
Homepage del sito: The Perry-Castañeda Library is named for two
former University professors, Ervin Sewell Perry and Carlos Eduardo
Castañeda. The Perry-Castañeda Library is one of the largest academic
library buildings in North America and is a major research center in Texas.
Three years under construction, the six-level, open-stack facility was
designed to serve as the main library of UT Austin.
Dizionari e Glossari
Acronyms and Initialisms
Advanced Learner's Dictionary Online
Il leggendario CALD, consutabile
Online. [al 30 novembre 2006; non è possibile garantire che lo sarà sempre:
il sito commercializza il dizionario stesso per la Cambridge University Press;
siete pregati di avvisarmi per mail se il link venisse dismesso, grazie!]
buon sito che permette di consultare online ben 77 dizionari monolingue,
bilingue, etimologici, nonché enciclopedie e repertori vari. Utilissimo per
ricerche linguistiche ma anche letterarie.
Dizionario De Mauro Paravia on-line
Dalla Home page del sito:
Benvenuti al dizionario De Mauro Paravia on-line! Questa è la
versione on-line del noto dizionario cartaceo. Presenta solo alcune delle
caratteristiche del
dizionario originale che è ricco di approfondimenti come la fonetica,
l’etimologia, la grammatica, i sinonimi e i contrari.
Nel campo in alto a
destra potrete inserire i lemmi per effettuare le vostre ricerche; è
possibile effettuare nuove ricerche facendo doppio clic su qualsiasi parola.
Solo uno dei tanti link possibili per
illustrare il concetto di "figura retorica". Offre la definizione e
la spiegazione di moltissime figure, pur non coprendo la totalità dei
termini. Per una panoramica ben più vasta (anche se quasi mai esaustiva), è
necessario ricorrere a un dizionario specifico, consultabile praticamente in
qualunque biblioteca.
The Forest of Rhetoric -
Silva Rhetoricae
Un sito
notevole! Un pratico motore di ricerca permette di individuare la
definizione di centinaia di termini comuni e non della retorica classica.
Inoltre, due menù "ad albero", uno a sinistra e uno a destra, permettono di
analizzare termini singoli e gruppi di termini affini tra loro.
Dalla Homepage
del sito:
online rhetoric, provided by Dr.
Gideon Burton of Brigham Young University, is a guide to the terms of
classical and
renaissance rhetoric. Sometimes it is difficult
to see the forest (the big picture) of rhetoric because of the trees (the
hundreds of Greek and Latin terms naming figures of speech, etc.) within
site is intended to help beginners, as well as experts, make sense of
rhetoric, both on the small scale (definitions and examples of specific
terms) and on the large scale (the purposes of rhetoric, the patterns into
which it has fallen historically as it has been taught and practiced for
2000+ years).
notevole pagina web gestita da
Lynch, della Rutgers University. Il glossario non è esaustivo, come mai
può esserlo un qualunque dizionario che esamina la struttura retorica del
discorso e del linguaggio. Ma è molto ricco e decisamente esauriente per gli
studi universitari.
Lynch è un eminente studioso di letteratura inglese, autore di moltissimi
studi approfonditi soprattutto sul XVIII secolo, ma anche di un numero
impressionante di pagine web dedicate allo studio della letteratura inglese,
pagine che ospitano molti dei suoi scritti e parecchi strumenti di ricerca
molto utili per gli studi letterari. La sua Homepage, ospitata dalla Rutgers
University, è consultabile a questo
Glossary of Poetic Terms
Un sito ricco
e molto articolato, gestito con competenza da
Robert G. Shubinski
Dalla Homepage
del sito:
This site features a unique
Glossary of Poetic Terms,
plus Examples of Poetic
Terms from the works of prominent poets,
Tips for the Enjoyment of
Poetry and A
Selection of Bob's Poems. Also, you will find helpful links to relevant
poetic, literary, and reference websites.
A Glossary of Rhetorical
Terms with Examples
Sito a cura
della Division of Classics,
Department of Modern & Classical Languages, Literatures, & Cultures,
University of Kentucky at Lexington.
Dalla Homepage
del sito:
This glossary came my way in graduate school at
the University of Texas. Chris Renaud gave it to me, and she tells me it
originated with Ernest Ament of Wayne State University. I have since used it
from time to time in classes and I have added a couple of examples. --
Ross Scaife
to Modern Literary Theory
sito è gestito dal Dr.
Kristi Siegel, Associate
Professor, English Dept., Mount Mary College, Milwaukee. Si tratta di un breve
ma articolato sito web nel quale vengono esposte le basi principali delle
maggiori scuole di approccio critico ai testi letterari e ai fenomeni
culturali. Ogni singola voce, inoltre, offre links e testi di “reference”
per un ulteriore approfondimento.
Key Terms in
Literature - A Brief List
Dalla Homepage
del sito:
The following list of key
terms in literature is intended primarily for students who do not do
literature at university level. Those of you who did or are doing
literature, should be familiar with the terms, although you may be
interested in looking at some of the items or exploring the hypertext links
indicated in the document, including links to some of Prof Talib's lecture
notes on the Web. The list is not exhaustive, and there may also be
additional and/or slightly different definitions of the terms in my own
lectures (or, for that matter, in the lectures of other teachers).
Professor Ismail S. Talib; e-mail:
Literary Terms and Their
Dalla Homepage
del sito:
This webpage contains alphabetical lists of literary terms and their
definitions. Because the list is fairly lengthy, I have subdivided it
into several pages. Hunt for the term you want alphabetically within each
letter's webpage. You can supplement this knowledge by looking in the
glossary in the back of your literature books, in dictionaries, and online
more generally. Do note that entries marked with a tiny construction barrier
or the abbreviation TBA ("to be announced") are still in the process
of being written or revised, so these entries may change as I polish them.
One Look. Dictionary Search
Dalla Homepage
del sito:
Welcome to OneLook® Dictionary Search.
Think of this web site as a search engine for words and phrases: If you have
a word for which you'd like a definition or translation, we'll quickly
shuttle you to the web-based dictionaries that define or translate that
word. If you don't know how to spell the word, we'll help you do that too.
No word is too obscure: More than 5 million words in more than 900 online
dictionaries are indexed by the OneLook® search engine.
What can you do at OneLook.com?
You can explore the other links above this
box for more information on OneLook.com. (Don't forget to check out our
cool customization
features!) Please read our FAQ
or send us feedback if you have any questions.
When you're ready to try it out, simply
return to the front page.
page ospitata dal Fine Arts
Department, Okanagan University College. Si tratta di un glossario che
fornisce la definizione di moltissimi termini connessi con il mondo delle
arti. Purtroppo, la pagina non è dotata di un motore di ricerca interno ma
solo di una divisione alfabetica dei termini: quindi è possibile trovare la
definizione del termine che si cerca solo selezionando la prima lettera del
termine stesso, e visualizzando di conseguenza tutti i termini che iniziano
con quella lettera! Ma è comunque uno strumento prezioso per le ricerche e
gli studi artistico-letterari.
Catalogue of Electronic Texts
Homepage del sito:
The Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts is a collection of public domain
documents from American and English literature as well as Western philosophy.
– Great Books Online
Homepage del sito: Named after the humble character of its namesake
scrivener, or copyist in Herman Melville’s Bartleby, the Scrivener,
Bartleby.com publishes the classics of literature, nonfiction, and reference
free of charge for the home, classroom, and desktop of each and every Internet
participant. Bartleby.com began as a personal research experiment in 1993 and
within one year published the first classic book on the Web (Whitman’s Leaves
of Grass). Since
its incorporation in 1999 and the release of preeminent contemporary reference
works, Bartleby.com becomes the most comprehensive reference publisher on the
web, meeting the needs of students, educators, and the intellectually curious.
sito formidabile per consultare e scaricare “full text” in “.html”, in
“.mhtml” e in “.pdf”; la concezione del sito è un po’ rigida, perché
i testi sono suddivisi in macrocategorie, a loro volta suddivise in molti
livelli di microcategorie. Non è sempre evidente a quale categoria un testo
possa appartenere. Tuttavia, un comodo motore di ricerca interno risolve il
problema. Il sito è utilissimo per testi non comuni e non presenti negli
altri grandi archivi di e-text comunque presenti in questa mia pagina di links.
Text Center at University of Virginia
sito di e-text molto fornito. Sfortunatamente, per consultare l’intera
collezione bisognerebbe essere iscritti alla University of Virginia o trovarsi
in uno dei suoi punti internet! Ma anche la sola raccolta di “public
accessibile texts” è imponente e molto utile.
Homepage del sito:
Etext Center
at the University of Virginia Library has pursued twin missions with equal
seriousness of purpose since its inception in 1992: to build and maintain an
internet-accessible collection of SGML and XML-encoded texts and images; and
to build and maintain user communities adept at the creation and use of these
Online Books Page
Homepage del sito:
index includes more than 20,000 English works in various formats, free for
personal, noncommercial use.
Oxford Text Archive
Homepage del sito:
to the Oxford Text Archive Website. The OTA works closely with members of the
Arts and Humanities academic community to collect, catalogue, and preserve
high-quality electronic texts for research and teaching. The OTA currently
distributes more than 2500 resources in over 25 different languages, and is
actively working to extend its catalogue of holdings.
vera e propria miniera di e-texts, consultabile anche a questo link. E’ possibile consultare un catalogo per
autori e un altro per opere. In entrambi i casi, l’offerta è ricchissima e
copre il panorama della letteratura inglese fino al periodo tra le due guerre.
Oltre no, per evidenti diritti d’autore. Ma nel Project
Gutemberg of Australia, paese
in cui le leggi sul diritto d’autore sono differenti, si possono trovare
anche testi successivi al periodo indicato.
Homepage del sito: Project Gutenberg is the
oldest producer of free electronic books (eBooks or etexts) on the Internet.
Our collection of more than 15.000 eBooks was produced by hundreds of
volunteers. Most of the Project Gutenberg eBooks are older literary works that
are in the public domain in the United States. All may be freely downloaded
and read, and redistributed for non-commercial use (for complete details, see
the license page).
Il sito è consultabile
anche a
questo link.
Banche dati e Motori di ricerca "Full-Text"
Homepage del sito: Encyclopedia.com, the Internet's premiere free
encyclopedia, provides users with more than 57,000 frequently updated
articles from the Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Each article is
enhanced with links to newspaper and magazine articles as well as pictures
and maps - all provided by HighBeam Research.
HighBeam Research
is the comprehensive digital archive for information seekers of all ages.
You can search across 35 million documents from full-text newspaper and
magazine articles, television and radio transcripts, international
newswires, classic books, maps, photographs, as well as major works of
literature, art and reference books. You'll find both current and historical
events within the diverse HighBeam Research archive. Learn more about how
HighBeam Research can work for you.
motore di ricerca per trovare articoli “full text”.
Una sezione è "free access" e fornisce moltissimi articoli da un
gran numero di riviste. Un'altra sezione, "pay per view", ricerca
articoli e saggi anche in molte riviste scientifiche e accademiche, fornendo i
risultati "a pagamento".
Homepage del sito:
millions of articles from leading academic, industry and general
interest publications. We give you free access to information you can trust, from
a collection you'll only find here."
Homepage del sito: Who we are. Scribd is a Silicon Valley
startup creating technology that makes it easy to share documents online.
You can think of Scribd as a big online library where everyone can publish
original content, including you! Scribd lets you publish and discover
documents online. It is like a big online library where anyone can upload.
We make use of a custom Flash document viewer that lets you display
documents right in your Web browser. There are all sorts of other features
that make it easy and fun to publish, convert, embed, analyze, and read
Part of the idea behind Scribd is that everyone has a lot of documents
sitting around on their computers that only they can read. With Scribd we
hope to unlock this information by putting it on the web.
The Free Library
Homepage del sito: Since 2003, The Free Library has offered
free, full-text versions of classic literary works from hundreds of
celebrated authors, whose biographies, images, and famous quotations can
also be found on the site. Recently, The Free Library has been expanded to
include a massive collection of periodicals from hundreds of leading
publications covering Business and Industry, Communications, Entertainment,
Health, Humanities, Law, Government, Politics, Recreation and Leisure,
Science and Technology, and Social Sciences. This collection includes
millions of articles dating back to 1984 as well as newly-published articles
that are added to the site daily.
The Free Library is an invaluable research tool and the fastest, easiest way
to locate useful information on virtually any topic. Explore the site
through a keyword search, or simply browse the enormous collection of
literary classics and up-to-date periodicals to find exactly what you need.
al menù
generali su autori e periodi
and Irish Authors
Un sito molto ben organizzato, con link per
moltissimi autori e una articolata divisione in sottosezioni. Una in
particolare rimanda agli autori del periodo
– Nobel Laureates in Literature
sito ufficiale dell'accademia di Stoccolma. Il link porta direttamente alla
pagina dedicata al premio nobel per la letteratura. E' possibile consultare
una scheda per ogni autore / autrice che ha vinto il premio. La scheda
permette di leggere la motivazione del premio, il discorso di accettazione, il
discorso pronunciato in occasione del banchetto ufficiale alla corte di
Svezia, e offre diversi link a recensioni accademiche e interviste ufficiali.
Women’s Studies (University of Maryland)
Homepage del sito:
The University of Maryland women's studies web site, begun in September 1992,
serves those people interested in the women's studies profession and in
general women's issues. For information about the University's academic
Women's Studies Department, visit their website at http://www.umd.edu/WMST/:
interdisciplinary program of study of women and men in society within both
historical and contemporary contexts and from multicultural and multiracial
al menù
Siti specifici
su autori e periodi
Renaissance and Elizabethan
- Cambridge English Renaissance Electronic Service
Dalla Homepage
del sito: CERES, the Cambridge English Renaissance Electronic
Service, was started in October 1996 in response to the developing importance
of electronic media in literary research. Aimed at those working in the area
of English Renaissance literature and its environs, it offered its members a
Starter Guide to help them get more from the internet, and a regular email
newsletter, CERES Harvest, detailing and reviewing new developments in
electronic resources for research in the Renaissance, as well as relaying
calls for papers and conference programmes.
Description: This site was created by senior English Literature/Composition
students at Springfield High School (IL) as part of an introductory study of
the Elizabethan Period of English history and literature. The project focuses
on important figures, events, and cultural trends of the time.
Objectives: The objectives of this project were to increase
students' knowledge of the Elizabethan period in general and to enhance their
skills in several other important areas of learning:
research and critical review of resources
preparation of a briefly annotated bibliography according to MLA
style specifications
preparation and revision of an original report incorporating source
identification of appropriate visuals to accompany the written
use of technological resources to write and revise the bibliography
and report, to scan visual images, and to create a web page incorporating
the three components
Un sito molto ben organizzato
sull’arte del vestire e sui costumi del periodo Elisabettiano. Gestito da
Drea Leed, studiosa di storia del costume e autrice di diversi studi
approfonditi sul periodo elisabettiano, il sito è il centro di un cospicuo
web-ring sull’argomento,
certamente molto utile per chi si occupa di vestiario scenico.
Elizabethan Theatre
Sito molto ben organizzato,
ricco di dettagli e di immagini. Contiene il testo completo e le immagini di
una nota conferenza del Professor Hilda D. Spear (University of Dundee) tenuta
alla Cologne University, nell'ottobre del 1989. Il sito è scritto e gestito
da Andreas Schlenger, della Università di
- Early Modern Literary Studies
Dalla Homepage
del sito: Early Modern Literary Studies (ISSN 1201-2459) is a
refereed journal serving as a formal arena for scholarly discussion and as an
academic resource for researchers in the area. Articles in EMLS examine
English literature, literary culture, and language during the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries; responses to published papers are also published as
part of a Readers' Forum. Reviews evaluate recent work as well as academic
tools of interest to scholars in the field. EMLS is committed to
gathering and to maintaining links to the most useful and comprehensive
internet resources for Renaissance scholars, including archives, electronic
texts, discussion groups, and beyond.
in Elizabethan England
A Compendium of Common
Knowledge, 1588-1603. Un progetto straordinario, continuamente "in
fieri". Pagine e notizie si aggiungono di continuo. Una specie di bibbia
del mondo elisabettiano. E' anche possibile scaricare l'intero progetto in
formato PDF per poi stamparlo e consultarlo più facilmente.
- 16th Century Renaissance English Literature (1425-1603)
Early Modern Literary Studies
A Journal of Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century English Literature
Modern Literature at Reading
Renascence Editions
Dalla Homepage del
Renascence Editions is an effort to make available online works printed in
English between the years 1477 (when Caxton began printing) and 1799. These
texts have been produced with care and attention, but are not represented by
the publisher as scholarly editions in the peer-reviewed sense. They are
made available to the public for nonprofit purposes only. The publisher and
general editor is Risa Stephanie Bear at the University of Oregon. If you
would like to edit a text in this series, send email to rbear[at]uoregon.edu..
Renaissance Electronic Texts (RET)
Lit Cafe The
al menù
William Shakespeare
Everything by, about, and for William Shakespeare, the Bard of Stratford-upon-Avon
Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Il sito permette la consultazione di ogni opera di Shakespeare, visualizzando o il testo intero o ogni singolo
atto. Questo motore di ricerca dedicato al testo shakespeariano è ospitato
dalla celebre rivista TECH del M.I.T. (Massachusetts
Institute of Technology).
Homepage del sito: "The
Tech is MIT's oldest and largest
newspaper. We have provided MIT faculty, staff, and students with continuous
news service since 1881. We publish on Tuesdays and Fridays during the regular
school year, weekly during the month of January, and monthly during the summer.
The Tech is published daily during MIT's Orientation period, which
begins the last week of August. "
The Plays of William Shakespeare
Dalla Home page del
Welcome to the Electronic Literature Foundation's presentation of the Plays
of William Shakespeare. Select the play you are interested in below. Each
play has its own search engine, concordance, quotes, and other information.
Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet
Homepage del sito: From the beginning these pages have been an annotated
guide to the scholarly Shakespeare resources on the Internet.
By 'annotated' I mean I give my opinions about the sites and
try to indicate what their strengths may be. This is the fourth edition of these
pages. It is hard to believe, but once again they are new and improved. My
motive in publishing these pages remains to help and stimulate others in
Shakespeare studies, and especially those who might contribute their work to the
Internet. The spirit of altruism that originally built the Internet is not quite
gone, though, sadly, through the pressures of time and profit has diminished. If
you find links which would be a good addition to these pages, please write
so that I might add them.
Nicholas Rowe The Life
of Mr. William Shakespear
- Shakespeare in Europe
Homepage del sito: “The
project has the aim of promoting the study of cultures in contact. It focuses
on Europe and on Shakespeare. A project of the
English Department at Basel University”. Si tratta di un sito ricchissimo di materiali e di links esterni:
in pratica copre ogni campo delle arti performative e rappresentative. Mole le
risorse per lo studio letterario dell’autore e delle singole opere.
Shakespeare and Renaissance sites Table of Contents
First Folio (1623)
L'intero "First Folio" del 1623,
pubblicato da Henry Condell and John Heminge: è possibile visualizzare e
consultare ogni singola pagina, servendosi di una comoda "Table of
Folio (1623) - Facsimile at SCETI
Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text Images -
Un sito gestito dalla University of Pennsylvania Library, che offre la
possibilità di visionare, consultare e stampare il facsimile del First
Folio, tavola per tavola. Ottima risoluzione. E' possibile la ricerca per
opera e per singola pagina. Dalla Home page scegliere "search" e
digitare "Shakespeare": verrà offerta una vasta gamma di edizioni
dei testi shakespeariani, tra le quali il First Folio del 1623 appunto.
Globe Research Database
Homepage del sito: "This site, sponsored by the University
of Reading (UK), is dedicated to providing background information on
Shakespearean performance in original conditions. Centred around the
construction of a replica of the Globe playhouse in London, it includes pages
devoted to the original Globe and other playhouses in Early Modern London,
reports and photographic documentaries on reconstruction and performances at
the New Globe, and also some practical information."
S&R - Shakespeare and Renaissance Association of West Virginia
- Selected Papers
Homepage del sito: "First
printed in 1976, SELECTED PAPERS is
the publication of the West Virginia Shakespeare and Renaissance Association.
It is published annually in the spring with support from Marshall University,
West Virginia University, and the West Virginia Humanities Council".
Ottima selezione di articoli "full text" sugli studi rinascimentali
e shakespeariani. Purtroppo è possibile consultare solo i volumi dal 1996 al
1999: dopo questa data, infatti, il sito risulta non più aggiornato.
Shakespeare and Renaissance sites Table of Contents
Borrowers and
Lenders The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation
Homepage del sito: Borrowers and Lenders is a peer-reviewed,
online, multimedia Shakespeare journal that was launched in 2005. The
journal appears biannually, with a special issue in the Spring/Summer and
general issue in the Fall/Winter. B&L is indexed in the MLA Bibliography,
World Shakespeare Bibliograpy, and other databases and belongs to the CELJ.
L'ordine in cui sono elencate le voci
dei singoli play, rispecchia unicamente l'ordine di insegnamento dei rispettivi
moduli presso l'Università di Trieste.
19th Century Etchings
of Othello Actors
Othello, a
Othello - Race, Place
and Identity
Othello 1
Three Faces of Othello
Dalla Homepage del
Few of Shakespeare's plays have stirred such conflicting emotions.
Powerful poetry and a tightly wound structure leave the audience no time
to catch its breath. But for all its textual impact, any production
hinges on the performance of the title role itself. Unless Othello
inspires swoons, tears, or gunshots, the play is lost.
The Tempest (1623 First Folio Edition)
and Juliet
e Giulietta di Prokofiev
Sito gestito da "Dreambook - Storia dei Balletti più celebri e più
amati" dedicato al Romeo e Giulietta di Prokofiev. La storia del balletto
viene esaminata sin dalla prima rappresentazione del 1938. Ricco di links
esterni, offre molte immagini di copertine e anche alcuni articoli.
and Juliet (BalletMet Columbus, April 23, 1998)
Sito dedicato
all'allestimento del 1998 per la coreografia di David Nixon. Molti
approfondimenti e commenti tecnici e artistici sia del balletto in sè che di
questo particolare allestimento.
and Juliet Ballet Page
molto interessante. E' possibile ascoltare diverse scene tratte da tre
adattamenti musicali del play shakespeariano: quello di Hector Berlioz
(1803-1869); quello di Peter Tchaikovsky (1840-1893); e quello di Sergei
Prokofiev (1891-1953). Un sofisticato sistema di "pops up" permette
di visionare il testo delle scene mentre si ascolta la partitura musicale.
Romeo and Juliet (1968
L’unico sito
interamente dedicato al film di Zeffirelli.
Romeo and Juliet
amatoriale. Il valore scientifico e letterario non è grande, ma offre moltissime immagini e
approfondimenti su questo adattamento. Diversi i collegamenti con il film di
Luhrman e molti i links esterni, molti dei quali purtroppo conducono a pagine
non più esistenti.
+ Juliet – Baz Luhrman’s Production (1996)
Sito interamente dedicato alla versione cinematografica del play realizzata
da Baz Luhrman nel 1996. Moltissime immagini, links esterni, colonna sonora e
diversi approfondimenti critico-comparativi.
Dalla Homepage del sito: “this page offers a directory of web pages devoted to
Hamlet. This list of links is divided into the categories as shown on the left,
and includes brief descriptions of what each page provides. Emphasis is placed
on informative, useful, and worthwhile sites of interest. In general, print
works are not covered, although some of the major Shakespeare finding tools
are mentioned in the papers section.”
Ian Johnston - Introductory Lecture on Shakespeare's Hamlet
Dalla Homepage del sito: English
366: Studies in Shakespeare - [A lecture prepared for English 200 and revised
for English 366: Studies in Shakespeare, by Ian Johnston of
Malaspina-University College, Nanaimo, BC. It was last revised slightly
on February 27, 2001. This entire text is in the public domain and may
be used free of charge and without permission] For comments, questions,
corrections, suggestions please contact Ian Johnston.
Kenneth Branagh Compendium
Dalla Homepage del sito: Welcome to the Compendium, created by Ngoc
Vu in 1997, chock full of more info about Kenneth
Branagh than you ever imagined existed. To quote Ngoc's original intro:
"the guy acts, he sings, he dances, he directs, he writes, he channels
Bill Shakespeare on a regular basis, he's an awfully nice chap, and he's kinda
cute. In the minor deity hierarchy, Kenneth Charles Branagh is one level below
Joe Montana (the greatest quarterback of the greatest football team ever) and
just above the guy who invented Pepsi". [A parte il tono delirante
di culto della personalità, tipico di molti website gestiti da fan della
pesonalità artistica a cui sono deicati, il sito è notevole per
organizzazione, completezza e ricchezza di materiali iconografici e testuali].
on the Ramparts
Homepage del sito: Welcome to Hamlet on the Ramparts, a public website designed and
maintained by the MIT
Shakespeare Project in collaboration with the
Folger Shakespeare Library and other institutions. We aim to provide free
access to an evolving collection of texts, images, and film relevant to
Hamlet’s first encounter with the Ghost (Act
1, Scenes 4 and 5).
Enjoying "Macbeth", by William
Shakespeare by Ed Friedlander, M.D.
Dalla Homepage del
Warning: Macbeth is supposed to upset people. It shows
life at its most brutal and cynical, in order to ask life's toughest
question. This page deals with all this without apology. I have a high
regard for truth and I talk plain.
If you want
something nice,
please leave now.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
A Midsummer Night’s
Dream Play
Enduring Dream
Emily Otto
explores the history of lust and desire in
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Siti con immagini
Cleveland Press Shakespeare Photographs, 1870-1982
Homepage del sito: "Guidelines issued by the
National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the
National Council of Teachers of English encourage the use of a multimedia,
interdisciplinary approach to the language arts--an approach which utilizes
the new technologies to enhance students' appreciation of literature. […]
The CSU Library is delighted to make its resources available to secondary
school and college students and instructors and everyone who enjoys the works
of William Shakespeare." [Sito che offre
moltissime immagini di scena, di allestimenti e produzioni di compagnie
teatrali nordamericane].
Shakespeare Library
Dalla Homepage del sito: The Folger Shakespeare Library, located on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC,
is a world-class research center on Shakespeare and on the early modern age in
the West. It is home to the world’s largest and finest collection of
Shakespeare materials and to major collections of other rare Renaissance books,
manuscripts, and works of art.
- Royal Shakespeare Company
Dalla Homepage del sito: Welcome to the website of
the Royal Shakespeare Company. You can book tickets for RSC productions, tour
our digitised archive, and find out more about Shakespeare's life and work.
Our mission at the RSC is to keep audiences in touch with Shakespeare -
understanding his work through today's artists, actors and writers.
accedere alle immagini:
“Learning” e da qui scegliere una delle diverse opzioni; la più diretta alla
ricerca di immagini è
“Pictures and exhibition”: poi
selezionare “Plays and Productions” e da qui scegliere o “Browse Exhibitions”
o “Quick Picture Search”.].
Dalla Homepage del sito: Welcome to
Shakespeare's World at Emory University. Shakespeare's World is a
collection of two sites created and maintained by Harry Rusche of the Emory
College English department: Shakespeare
and the Players and Shakespeare
and the players
Shakespeare and the Players is a survey through postcards of the many now unfamiliar English and
American actors who played Shakespeare's characters for late Victorian and
Edwardian audiences.
Shakespeare Illustrated, a work in progress,
explores nineteenth-century paintings, criticism and productions of
Shakespeare's plays and their influences on one another.
al menù
Eighteenth Century
Forum elettronico internazionale sugli studi
multidisciplinari riguardanti il secolo XVIII. Una comunità internazionale
di studiosi che si scambia informazioni e notizie a proposito di uno dei
secoli più stimolanti e vitali della letteratura inglese in particolare ed
europea in generale.
Dalla Homepage del sito: Founded in early
1990, C18-L is an international, interdisciplinary forum for discussing all
aspects of 18th-century studies -- that is, the "long 18th century," which
extends roughly from 1660 to 1830. C18-L is a virtual forum that works by
circulating posted messages via e-mail to all subscribers.
Sito organizzato e gestito da Jack Lynch,
Rutgers University, Newark. Forse la maggiore collezione di link e risorse sul
XVIII secolo oggi disponibile su Internet.
English Novel Research Guide
Sito gestito da Beth Jane Thoren: "A good
collection of electronic and print resources useful in research on the novel.
Links to Web resources."
The Novel in Europe,
Rethinking Literary
History: The Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century British Novel
Sito Web gestito da
Laura Mandell,
Associate Professor del
Dept. of English,
Miami University.
Si tratta di
pagine prodotte nell’ambito di un corso universitario tenuto da Laura
Mandell, contenenti materiali eterogenei, come saggi degli studenti,
approfondimenti critici, bibliografie dettagliate e links esterni. Nel
complesso, costituisce una risorsa utile, anche se limitata all’aspetto
specifico del corso.
The Spectator Project: A
Hypermedia Research Archive of Eighteenth-Century Periodicals
Dalla Homepage del sito:
The Spectator Project is an interactive hypermedia environment for the study
of The Tatler (1709-1711), The Spectator (1711-14), and the
eighteenth-century periodical in general. The most innovative feature of the
project developed out of the object of study itself. The format, style, and
even the content of The Tatler and the Spectator were
immediately and closely imitated in hundreds of periodicals in Europe and
the Americas. The Spectator Project will allow users to compare imitated and
imitating formats and passages of text through the means of hyperlinks. A
footnote will appear, for example, in the text of Marivaux's Le
Spectateur français or Eliza Haywood's The Female Spectator, and
the user will click on it to bring up the passage in the Spectator that it
derives from. While there are editions of eighteenth-century periodicals
on-line and in CD-ROM format, none have linked multiple periodicals together
for the purpose of studying their complex interrelation. While many
scholarly web projects simply make their material more widely available--in
itself, a laudable goal--this feature makes our project an interpretive
editorial apparatus, and one which is based on the special capabilities of
the digital environment.
limits imposed on the study of periodicals through reprint editions and even
through primary documents are extensive. Reprint editions, including the
definitive edition of The Spectator (ed., D.F. Bond, 5 volumes
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1965)), are generally hardcover,
multi-volume series, and are often out-of-print, so they are rarely owned by
scholars. (Versions of The Tatler and The Spectator currently
in print are selected editions, and include less than one-fifth of the
entire series.) Consequently, simply making The Spectator accessible
in its entirety will provide a useful resource.
obstacles to scholarly study of the eighteenth-century periodical in book
form, however, extend far beyond their availability. Book editions of
periodicals are limited in precisely those ways that inhibit the most
innovative aspects of the scholarly work that is currently being done on
them. Since very few are facsimile editions, they do not reproduce the
periodicals' format or typography, and they exclude elements of the
originals (such as advertisements) regarded as extra-textual. Most
importantly, the kind of editorial apparatus that is possible in a book
cannot demonstrate the level of imitation and appropriation that takes place
between the periodicals of Addison and Steele and those periodicals that
follow. Scholars studying original documents or microfilms of
eighteenth-century periodicals (and particularly those working in languages
other than English) may not be aware, for example, that a given passage
imitates and alters a passage from the Spectator, and, of course,
will not have the guidance of an editorial apparatus. This last point is
particularly important, as the reprinting of periodical essays in modern
editions lags far behind scholarly interest in the periodical. Even in
scholarly editions, footnotes are limited in their capacity to document the
passages imitating Addison and Steele beyond reproducing a few lines of the
Tatler or the Spectator.
the Spectator Project will assuage all of these difficulties, it will also
allow the user to manipulate the texts. Users can conduct complex structured
searches of this large corpus and to access critical materials that
elucidate both the periodicals and the contexts of their production and
reception. Researchers working on topics ranging from the history of
literary criticism to the consumption of snuff and caffeine in the Augustan
era can search hundreds of issues of The Spectator in a matter of
seconds, producing a ranked survey of every mention of their topic of study.
Soon, users will be able to consult maps of Queen Anne's London (with
special sections on both the London book trade and the haunts of Addison and
Steele's persona, "Mr. Spectator," glossaries of terms from
eighteenth-century dictionaries, formats of both the original periodicals
and bound volumes through the nineteenth century, and other ancillary
al menù
William Beckford
Beckfordiana -
The William Beckford Website
A cura di Dick Clésson, per il Centre
international d'étude du XVIIIe siècle, Ferney-Voltaire, presenta la
collezione più aggiornata e scientificamente valida di link su Beckford e la
sua opera.
History of the Caliph Vathek
Il testo intero del romanzo, dall'edizione
Cassell Company del 1887. E' possibile consultare il testo,
"sfogliandolo" pagina per pagina. Ovviamente, per la grafia
settecentesco/ottocentesca dell'inglese, questo testo costituisce una
preziosa fonte filologica, ma non può sostituire le edizioni attualmente in
commercio, dotate inoltre di ottimi apparati critico interpretativi.
al menù
Daniel Defoe
Crusoe, University of Miami Libraries
al menù
Jonathan Swift
Gulliver's Travels
- Jonathan Swift - Bibliography
Swift - Gulliver's Travels
Un sito ricchissimo, creato e gestito da Henry e
Lee Jaffe. Oltre il testo integrale dell'opera, presenta risorse multimediali
di vario tipo e una cospicua raccolta di links esterni.
al menù
Samuel Johnson
History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia
Il testo intero del romanzo, dall'edizione
Oxford del 1825, curato da Jack Lynch. Il testo è contenuto tutto in una
pagina, ma una lista di rinvii permette di posizionarsi all'inizio di ogni
singolo capitolo.
al menù
The Age of Sensibility
Dictionary of Sensibility
This hypertext offers
a new approach towards understanding the language of eighteenth-century
sensibility. It provides an atmospheric view of the multiple connotations of
the terms of that language. Rather than attempting strict definitions, this
project offers a tool for recognizing the multivalence of such words as
"virtue," "enthusiasm," and "community." Our hypertext collects excerpts
from primary texts of sensibility and scatters them among twenty four key
terms. We imagine the sensible reader exploring these passages to understand
the different vocabularies of the period.
Torna al menù
Gothic Literature Page
Sito dedicato allo studio del genere
gotico in Inghilterra, dal 1764 al 1840.
Literary Gothic Page
"A Web site for all things concerned with
literary Gothicism, which includes ghost stories, 'classic' Gothic fiction
(1764-1820), and related Gothic, supernaturalist, and 'weird' literature
prior to the mid-twentieth century." Molti i link con E-Texts del
genere gotico.
al menù
Centro di ricerca e di
documentazione interdisciplinare sul Romanticismo
Dalla Homepage del sito:
Nel giugno 1993 il Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature straniere Moderne
dell'Università degli Studi di Bologna ha approvato la nascita di un Centro
di ricerca e di documentazione interdisciplinare sul Romanticismo al fine di
consolidare e di rendere visibile un'area di ricerca nel cui ambito operano
già da anni studiosi e docenti afferenti a varie aree disciplinari. Una
ricchezza di contributi resa manifesta da numerose pubblicazioni, da
convegni internazionali, da seminari e conferenze organizzati da molti
membri del Dipartimento stesso in autonomia o in collaborazione con altre
prestigiose istituzioni. Una ricchezza che sottolinea la ben nota centralità
che gli studi romantici hanno raggiunto in contesti nazionali ed
internazionali e mettono in luce la vitalità critica e metodologica che il
Romanticismo tuttora coagula intorno a sé.
L'istituzione di questo
Centro prevede la promozione della ricerca di carattere specialistico e la
catalogazione di tutti i materiali utili allo studio della cultura romantica
con particolare attenzione alle fonti, ai contesti, ai generi, ai temi, alle
idee e, più specificatamente, ai problemi linguistico-formali e
teorico-estetici del periodo.
Cosa concretamente si
propone di fare un Centro come questo? Il primo obiettivo, crediamo, è
quello di funzionare quale momento di raccordo fra gli studiosi delle
diverse aree disciplinari e di diversi contesti universitari e culturali
affinché si raggiunga uno scambio scientifico sempre più intenso e
qualificato e si incentivino iniziative che nascono in contesti
diversificati, locali e nazionali, come pure nazionali e internazionali.
Secondo obiettivo è la valorizzazione delle grandi potenzialità che i suoi
membri portano all'interno del Centro, una valorizzazione che avviene sia
attraverso il coordinamento di e fra singole iniziative che attraverso la
promozione di progetti culturali collettivi.
al menù
Victorian Age
Century British and Irish Authors
Sito che permette di
accedere a moltissime "web pages" dedicate a scrittori e scrittrici
del periodo vittoriano.
ENGL 5562: Victorian
Sito web gestito dal
Dr. Carolyn Sigler della
University of Minnesota-Duluth, contenente il suo programma d'esame per il
modulo offerto nella primavera del 2007. Il sito ospita una ricchissima
selezione di links a pagine e risorse sugli studi vittoriani: la qualità
eterogenea di queste risorse e il loro alto valore scientifico complessivo,
fanno della pagina del Dr. Sigler una delle offerte più significative e
stimolanti in questo campo degli studi culturali e letterari.
Dalla Homepage
del sito:
Gaslight is an Internet discussion list which reviews one story a week from
the genres of mystery, adventure and The Weird, written between 1800 and
1919. The current readings and selected ones from the past are available
here. For more information about joining the discussion list, write Stephen
Davies and Diana Patterson at
Gaslight is hosted by Mount Royal College, Alberta, Canada http://www.mtroyal.ab.ca/
Nineteenth-Century English Novel - Bibliographic Resources
Sito web con parecchi links a
numerose risorse online sugli studi sul diciannovesimo secolo in generale e
sul romanzo vittorianio in particolare. E' gestito da Jay Clayton del
Department of English, Vanderbilt University
(Personal web site
- 1995-2007)
Rethinking Literary
History: The Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century British Novel
Sito Web gestito da
Laura Mandell,
Associate Professor del
Dept. of English,
Miami University.
Si tratta di
pagine prodotte nell’ambito di un corso universitario tenuto da Laura
Mandell, contenenti materiali eterogenei, come saggi degli studenti,
approfondimenti critici, bibliografie dettagliate e links esterni. Nel
complesso, costituisce una risorsa utile, anche se limitata all’aspetto
specifico del corso.
Victorian Dictionary
Dalla Homepage del sito: This
site is simply a resource for anyone interested in how life was lived in
Victorian London.
Lee Jackson, "an
author and librarian, a little obsessed with the Victorian city", è
davvero troppo modesto. Il sito costituisce una delle risorse più complete e
affidabili di testi narrativi, giornalististici e saggistici prodotti dalla
cultura vittoriana, attraverso i quali è possibile approfondire lo studio
della vita quotidiana e della cultura stessa. Inoltre, il sito offre un numero
consistente e costantemente in aumento di immagini fotografiche risalenti al
periodo vittoriano.
Resources Online
Annotated List of Scholarly Websites
Research Web - Scholarly Resources for Victorian Research
Homepage del sito: Welcome to the Victoria Research Web, a guide to research resources
written by the founder and manager of the long-running VICTORIA discussion list for Victorian
Studies. Like VICTORIA, the VRW is dedicated to the scholarly study of
nineteenth-century Britain, and to aiding researchers, teachers, and students
in their investigations of any and all aspects of this fascinating period.
Victorian web. An
Dalla Homepage del sito: Literature, history and
culture in the age of Victoria. The Victorian Web is a project funded by the University
Scholars Program, National University of Singapore.
Web Sites - The Victorian Literary Studies Archive
Sito che indicizza
decine e decine di risorse sul periodo vittoriano, disponibili su Internet. I
campi d'interesse sono eterogenei, dalla politica alla cucina, dalla storia e
letteratura al costume e alla moda.
Victorian Women Writers Project
Dalla homepage del sito:
The goal of the Victorian Women Writers Project is to produce highly accurate
transcriptions of works by British women writers of the 19th century, encoded
using the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). The works, selected
with the assistance of the Advisory Board, will include anthologies, novels,
political pamphlets, religious tracts, children's books, and volumes of poetry
and verse drama. Considerable attention will be given to the accuracy and
completeness of the texts, and to accurate bibliographical descriptions of
Dalla Homepage del sito: This Study Center page contains links to non-commercial
19th Century Web Sites. The VICTORIANA.COM "STUDY CENTER"
contains a collection of articles and web site links for the 19th Century
enthusiast. The Library covers a wide range of topics.
Welcome to Dime
al menù
E.M. Forster
of E.M. Forster
Dalla Homepage del sito: Welcome to Aspects
of E.M. Forster. This site has been on-line since March 2000. Our aim is to
fit you out with information about E.M. Forster, his life and literature.
Connect... The Unofficial E.M. Forster site
Organizzato e gestito da Jennifer Y. Whang, la
quale afferma "I am not an authority on E. M. Forster, and I don't claim
to be one". Tuttavia, si tratta di un sito che offre molto materiale e
una buona raccolta di link esterni.
al menù
George Orwell
Political Writings of George Orwell
Orwell, 1903-1950
Sito molto ricco, presenta testi
"on-line" di moltissimi dei saggi scritti dall'autore.
al menù
Guerra di Spagna
de Amigos de las Brigadas Internacionales
Dalla Homepage del sito:
principal objetivo de la Asociación de Amigos de las Brigadas Internacionales
(A.A.B.I.) es recoger el legado histórico de las Brigadas Internacionales.
La A.A.B.I. es una asociación pluralista, no lucrativa,
participativa y abierta en la que tienen cabida cuantas personas se interesen
por colaborar en mantener y difundir la memoria de los Voluntarios de la
Libertad y actualizar su ejemplo solidario.
de las tareas prioritarias de la A.A.B.I. es la localización de archivos y
materiales documentales sobre los brigadistas con el fin de reunirlos en el
Centro de Documentación de las Brigadas Internacionales, situado en el
Archivo Histórico Provincial de Albacete y abierto a particulares,
historiadores e investigadores interesados en el tema.
Aitken, "Last
of the Brigade"
Unlimited – Friday
November 10, 2000
testimonianza: Ian Aitken intervista gli ultimi sopravissuti della sezione
inglese della "International Brigade", il reparto di volontari che
parteciparono, con varie mansioni, alla guerra di Spagna, combattendo a fianco
della repubblica.
IBMT the international brigade
memorial trust
Dalla Homepage del sito: Welcome to
the website of The International Brigade Memorial Trust. The IBMT is formed
from the veterans of the International Brigade Association, the Friends of the
I.B.A., representatives of the Marx Memorial Library, and historians
specialising in the Spanish Civil War.
tra due guerre, 1917-1939
sito: Antenati
Europa - la storia della letteratura europea online.
Homepage del sito:
Antenati è un'opera consultabile gratuitamente. Chi collabora a Antenati lo
fa a titolo gratuito e volontario. I materiali pubblicati diventano patrimonio
della "community" di Antenati e sono sottoposti alle regole di
tutela dell'open-source. L'utilizzo dei materiali presenti su Antenati non è
possibile a fini commerciali o di lucro. La circolazione dei materiali è
libera. I contenuti di questo sito vanno fatti circolare citando la fonte (cioè
Antenati, l'indirizzo web e l'eventuale autore della scheda) e in forma
Visual Front – Posters of the Spanish Civil War
Dalla Homepage del sito: All the posters from the
Spanish Civil War in the Southworth Collection belong to the Republican side.
The selection of forty-two posters presented here constitutes a representative
sample of Republican propaganda. It includes images that deal with most of the
themes that dominated the minds of contemporaries. Many of the posters were
produced by some of the most important organizations and institutions active
in the war, and they were designed by some of the leading artists of the era.
al menù
Postmodernism and Contemporary
The Official Noam
Chomsky Website.
Un sito ricchissimo, per
tutti coloro che conoscono Chomsky! E anche, e soprattutto, per tutti coloro
che ancora non conoscono questa voce fina, integra e lucidissima della
coscienza umana a cavallo del terzo millennio.
Torna al menù
Children Literature
Picturing Childhood The Evolution of the Illustrated Children's Book
al menù
Literature and Travel Studies
The Grand Tour
History Sourcebooks Project – Traveler’s Accounts
Traveler's accounts of
their journeys and the lands they visit are important sources in
understanding the past.
As outsiders,
travelers often note aspects of a culture that are too commonplace for local
commentators to mention. More than this, travelers often provide some
insight into how their own society understood itself in relation to other
Throughout the
Internet History Sourcebooks Project, there are a large number of
travelers' accounts. The goal of this page is simply to bring them together.
Since I expect users to be interested in the more general phenomenon of
outsider descriptions, some other accounts that are not strictly
traveler's accounts have have been included.
Literature: book reviews, interviews, comment
Dalla Homepage del sito: WELCOME to Travel Literature - the place to read
(and write) about travel writing. From classics
of the genre to less
well-known works; from guidebooks to journeys of
self-discovery, Travel Literature aims to cover them all. And look out for our
upcoming series of articles on some of the great travel writers of our time.
Gertrude Bell project
Dalla Homepage del sito: The
Gertrude Bell Project: The University of Newcastle upon Tyne Library has
undertaken a 4 year project to check and complete the transcription of the
manuscripts, to recatalogue and digitise the photographs, and to build a WWW
for the finished archive. The Gertrude Bell papers consist of about 1,600
detailed and lively letters to her parents, of her 16 diaries, which she kept
while she was travelling, and of c.40 packets of miscellaneous items. There
are also about 7000 photographs, taken by her c.1900-1918. Those of Middle
Eastern archaeological sites are of great value because they record structures
which have since been eroded or, in some cases, have disappeared altogether,
while those of the desert tribes are of considerable anthropological and
ethnographical interest.
letters and diaries, but not the miscellaneous material, were transcribed in
automated form between 1982 and 1988, and a catalogue of the photographs was
published in 1982, with a second edition in 1985.
Dalla Homepage del sito: Saudi Aramco, the oil company born as an international
enterprise 75 years ago, distributes Saudi Aramco World to increase
cross-cultural understanding. The bimonthly magazine's goal is to broaden
knowledge of the cultures, history and geography of the Arab and Muslim worlds
and their connections with the West.
al menù
London Website
Dalla Homepage del sito: “Literary London: Interdisciplinary studies in the
representation of London is the first and only journal to provide a common
forum for scholars and students engaged specifically in the study of London
and literature. It is dedicated to fostering an intellectual community that
will facilitate interdisciplinary exchange. While the editorial focus of the
journal will be on representations of London in literature, articles in
cognate disciplines that will contribute to readings of London are very much
encouraged. These subject areas might include readings of London in history,
drama, film, geography, art history, architecture, urban sociology, painting
and engraving, etc.”
Victorian Dictionary – The Social History of Victorian London
Homepage del sito: This site is simply a resource for anyone interested
in how life was lived in Victorian London. I am an author and librarian, a
little obsessed with the Victorian city. Perhaps
that explains why I have started on this rather vast project. Of course, it
will never approach being a comprehensive resource, but I think it will still
be interesting and useful, especially as it grows bigger. If you have any suggestions, questions or offers of help (!) ... please
contact me. Lee Jackson lee@victorianlondon.org
al menù
sulle letterature dei paesi di lingua inglese
Risorse generali
Black British
Seminario condotto dal
Patrick K. Muana,
Professor & Coordinator, Africana Studies, Dept. Of English, College of
Liberal Arts, Texas A&M University.
Il seminario, tenuto nel corso di
anni accademici del passato, è una risorsa importante di materiali testuali
e critici “full-text”, scaricabili on-line da qualunque utente. Saggi,
racconti, capitoli di romanzi, recensioni, interviste, analisi critiche,
sociologiche e letterarie di alcuni autori della diaspora indiana in
British Empire
Homepage del sito: This site is dedicated to analysing the history of
the British Empire: The triumphs, the humiliations, the good that it brought
and the bad that it inflicted. For better or worse the British Empire had a
massive impact on the history of the world. It is for this reason that this
site tries to bring to life the peoples, cultures, adventures and domination
that made the Empire such a powerful institution. It is neither an apology for,
nor a nostalgic reminiscince of the institution that so dominated the world
for over a century. Rather, it analyses and describes the vast institution
that so influenced the shape of the world that we see today.
Postcolonial and Postimperial Literature An Overview
Il sito più
aggiornato e più ricco d'informazioni sulle letterature dei paesi di lingua
inglese. Tramite una cartina geografica e un menù molto dettagliato, è
possibile accedere a pagine dedicate alle singole letterature e culture dei
paesi "anglofoni" o post-coloniali di lingua inglese.
Colonial and
Postcolonial Literary Dialogues
A resource for students, scholars, and teachers
of postcolonial and multicultural approaches to British and world
Theme pages
and text
pages explore the rich dialogues between colonial and postcolonial
perspectives. You will find analysis, links, and resources for colonial and
postcolonial literature, history, and theory.
The links page
connects this site to other postcolonial studies resources on the web.
Clicking on artwork and images may take you to further information, links,
or on-line texts. A non-profit site created by students and faculty at
Western Michigan University.
Institute of Race Relations
Dalla Homepage del
The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) was established as an
independent educational charity in 1958 to carry out research, publish and
collect resources on race relations throughout the world. In 1972, the IRR's
membership backed the staff in a radical transformation of the organisation
from a policy-oriented, establishment, academic institution into an
anti-racist 'thinktank'. The IRR began to concentrate on responding to the
needs of Black people and making direct analyses of institutionalised racism
in Britain and the rest of Europe. Today, the IRR is at the cutting edge of
the research and analysis that inform the struggle for racial justice in
Britain, Europe and internationally. It seeks to reflect the experiences of
those who suffer racial oppression and draws its perspectives from the most
vulnerable in society.
The Imperial Archive
A site dedicated to
the study of Literature, Imperialism, Postcolonialism
Dalla homepage
del sito:
This site provides resources for all those interested in the influence of
the British imperial process on literature from the 19th through the 21st
centuries. Using colonial discourse and post-colonial theory as a point of
departure, some pages examine the British idea of 'Empire' and the colonial
enterprise in a selected range of 19th-century authors and their work;
others consider 20th and 21st-century texts, in an attempt to understand how
imperialism affected literary texts produced in Britain's former colonies.
Life and
Society in Kipling's British India, 1757-1905
Dalla homepage
del sito:
This unit studies the British occupation of India, from the time of conquest
in the mid-eighteenth century to the height of empire at the end of the
Victorian era in the beginning of the twentieth century (1757-1905).
Attention will focus on the phenomenon of British imperialism within the
particular context of India, on the development of imperial attitudes to
India and Indians, on the changing goals and methods of British rule, and on
the social life of a community in exile.
Imperialism is one of those developments, which although shaping and still
influencing the modern world, is not well comprehended.
From the Gaps: Women Writers of Colour – University of Minnesota
Dalla Homepage del sito: a
great place to learn about the lives and works of North American women writers
of color.
al menù
African Fiction in
A cura del
Department of English
(Institut für englische Sprachen und
Literaturen) dell’Università di Berna.
Literature and Writers on the Internet
sito: Africa
South of the Sahara (Stanford University).
HUM 211:
Culture & Literature of Africa (including African Orature & Film )
Sito Web gestito da
Cora Agatucci,
Professor of English & Chair, Humanities Department,
Central Oregon Community College.
Dalla Homepage del
Introductory study of representative oral arts, literature, film & related
creative arts, in English or in translation, of sub-Saharan African peoples,
examined in context of their histories and cultural traditions.
The Royal
African Society
Dalla Homepage del sito:
Now more than 100 years old,
the Royal African Society today is Britain's primary
Africa organisation, promoting Africa's cause. Through
its journal, African Affairs, and by organising meetings,
discussions and other activities, the Society
strengthens links between Africa and Britain and
encourages understanding of Africa and its relations
with the rest of the world. This website is a portal to
Africa on the web leading you to the best websites
on Africa. Whether you are looking for the latest news,
detailed information on anything African from Cairo to
Cape Town, from debt to dance, or just searching for a
African holiday destination, this website is your
starting point. You can go country by country or topic
by topic.
al menù
Anthurium - A
Caribbean Studies Journal
Dalla Homepage
del sito:
Anthurium: A Caribbean Studies Journal
is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original works by
Caribbean writers and scholars worldwide exclusively in electronic form. The
journal promotes a lively exchange among writers and scholars in the arts,
humanities, and social sciences who hold diverse perspectives on Caribbean
literature and culture and offers a mixture of fiction, poetry, plays,
critical essays, cultural studies, interviews, and visual art. Book reviews
and bibliographies, special thematic issues, and original art and
photography are some of the features of this international journal of
Caribbean arts and letters.
is a non-profit publication and project of
Caribbean Literary Studies in the Department of English at the University of
Miami. It is published in association with the
University's Richter Library Digital Media Lab, supported solely by the
University of Miami.
Calypso, a World Music
al menù
Sub-Continente Indiano
Digital South Asia Library
Dalla Homepage del sito:
The Digital South Asia
Library provides digital materials for reference and research on South Asia
to scholars, public officials, business leaders, and other users. This
project builds upon a two-year pilot project funded by the Association of
Research Libraries' Global Resources Program with support from the Andrew W.
Mellon Foundation. Participants in the Digital South Asia Library include
leading U.S. universities, the Center for Research Libraries, the South Asia
Microform Project, the Committee on South Asian Libraries and Documentation,
the Association for Asian Studies, the Library of Congress, the Asia
Society, the British Library, the University of Oxford, the University of
Cambridge, MOZHI in India, the Sundarayya Vignana Kendram in India, Madan
Puraskar Pustakalaya in Nepal, and other institutions in South Asia.
East Meets West
Harappa -
of South Asia before 1947
Dalla Homepage del sito: Harappa.com
is a media spigot to South Asia's past. The objective is archaeological:
literally in the case of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization,
metaphorically in the excavations of early modern media from the Raj period.
Ancient Harappa, founded over 5,000 years ago, was one of the world's first
cities. Today it is the first ancient Indus urban center being researched
with modern scientific and multi-disciplinary tools. We are grateful to a
number of the world's leading Indus scholars, particularly those working at
Harappa, for sharing their work on this website. The goal is to make this
little known civilization's rich heritage and new discoveries accessible to
a wide audience. The other half of the Website deals with the other end of
Indian and Pakistani history, the Raj, through early media - especially
photographs and film as well as lithographs, engravings, postcards and other
paper ephemra. Some of this media is outside the subcontinent today. Much,
like archival film, has already been lost. This site's objective is to bring
these long lost images from obscurity into the daylight of the web.
Una delle molte pagine gestite
dal Prof.
Frances Pritchett, Columbia University.
IndiaStar Review of Books
sito che ospita recensioni e riflessioni critiche su testi scritti e
pubblicati nell'ambito delle culture del sud-est asiatico.
SALIDAA digital archive
Dalla Homepage del sito: The SALIDAA digital archive covers
South Asian literature, art, theatre, dance and music in England and features
collections of materials by individual artists and organisations. Collections
include creative writings, images of art works, photographs, leaflets,
programmes of events, stage and costume drawings of theatre and dance
performances, press releases, CD and record covers, and more.
SASIALIT mailing list: Literature of South Asia and the Indian diaspora
Dalla Homepage del sito: The
SASIALIT mailing list is for the discussion of contemporary literature of
South Asia (Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka), including
works by authors of South Asian origin throughout the world.
Homepage del sito: Sawnet
(South Asian
Women's NETwork)
is a forum for those interested in South Asian women's issues.
deals wuth writers
~ Bangladesh ~
Bhutan ~ India ~
Maldives ~ Nepal ~
Pakistan ~ Sri Lanka ~
al menù
Bollywood e Cinema Indiano
Upperstall.com – A Better View to
Indian Cinema
Dalla Homepage del
Launched July 7, 2000, upperstall.com heralding the 104th anniversary of the
first ever motion picture screenings in India. Looking into sections wholly
missing from the web - that of analytical write-ups of Indian cinema's
classics and their luminaries, the documentary and a "serious" side of
Bollywood's latest; upperstall.com aims to satiate the serious film buff.
al menù
Moving Here – 200 years of migration to
Dalla homepage
del sito:
The vision of Moving Here is to explore, record and illustrate why people
came to England over the last 200 years, and what their experiences were and
continue to be. The site mainly looks at the Caribbean, Irish, Jewish and
South Asian communities.
This web site offers
free access, for personal and educational use, to online versions of
original material related to migration, including photographs, personal
papers, government documents, maps and art objects, as well as a collection
of sound recordings and video clips.
dalla Homepage del Department
of South and Southeast Asian Studies.
Dalla Homepage del sito: The
Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies offers programs of both
undergraduate and graduate instruction in the languages and cultures of
South and Southeast Asia. It offers opportunities to explore the rich
cultural, social, and religious histories as well as the living contemporary
cultures of these areas. The curriculum covers the classical literary canon,
religious literature, folk and popular works, oral traditions and
performance media (including recitation, musical and dramatic performance,
dance, media, and film), and modern literatures of the colonial and
post-colonial period. [Per
consultare la bibliografia sulla diaspora asiatica, selezionare “Research
Tools” e poi consultare la sezione “Bibliographies and Subject Guides”;
ma sono molti gli strumenti informatici utilizzabili dalla sezione “Research
Tools” stessa]
Asian Diaspora literature in English – University of Washington
Dalla Homepage del sito: a
bibliography compiled by Irene Joshi University of Washington Libraries (Last
updated 29 December 1998).
al menù
su arti grafiche, drammaturgia, cinema e televisione
Arti grafiche
- the guide to great art on the Internet
Homepage del sito: Our mission is to become the definitive and most effective guide to
museum-quality fine art on the Internet: we only provide references to sites
on the World Wide Web where artists' works can be viewed online. For calendars
of real-world museum exhibits, try a resource such as Gallery
Guide Online,
or Traditional
Fine Arts Online,
or the Art Museum Network's ExCalendar,
all of which seem to do an excellent job. We have compiled a comprehensive
index of every artist represented at hundreds of museum sites, image archives,
and other online resources. We have started out by covering the biggest and
best sites around, and have links for most well-known artists to keep you
surfing for hours. Update September/2004: We have now indexed 1800 art sites,
and offer over 60,000 links to an estimated 150,000 artworks by 8,100 renowned
The Prints & Photographs Online Catalog (PPOC)
at the National Congress Library
Dalla Homepage del
The Prints
& Photographs Online Catalog (PPOC) provides access through group or item
records to about 65% of the Division's holdings, as well as to some images
found in other units of the Library of Congress. Many of the catalog records
are accompanied by digital images--about one million digital images in
Unique in their scope
and richness, the prints and photographs collections today number more than
13.7 million images. These include photographs, fine and popular prints and
drawings, posters, and architectural and engineering drawings. While
international in scope, the collections are particularly rich in materials
produced in, or documenting the history of, the United States and the lives,
interests and achievements of the American people.
Not all images displayed in this catalog are in the public domain.
The Library offers broad public access to these materials as a contribution
to education and scholarship. It is the researcher's obligation to determine
and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise
distributing materials found in the Library's collections. In some
collections, only thumbnail images display to those searching outside the
Library of Congress because of potential rights considerations.
See the Library's
Legal Notices for more information
[Per accedere
alle immagini:
cliccare su “Trying to
Find a Picture?
Prints & Photographs Online Catalog”;
poi cliccare sul pulsante “I
understand; I’m ready to search the catalogue” e da qui utilizzare la maschera di ricerca
applicando I vari parametri necessari per i propri “desiderata”.]
al menù
Documentary Films 1940-1947
Homepage del sito:
list, film-theory@lists.village.virginia.edu, is a forum for the
discussion of the theory of film and cinema in all its aspects: aesthetic,
artistic, cultural, social, philosophical and political.
Movie Database
Una vera e propria "Bibbia" dell'arte
cinematografica su Internet. Il sito permette di consultare un ricchissimo
database, con schede molto dettagliate su decine di migliaia di realizzazioni
cinematografiche, dalla nascita del cinema ai tempi attuali. Moltissimi i link
esterni per approfondimenti.
web dedicato al cinema. Offre recensioni e schede tecniche, anche se solo
dell'ultimo ventennio. Discretamente utile, uno dei migliori siti italiani
dedicati alla cinematografia.
al menù
Drammaturgia e Teatro
Literature - History of the Drama in England
Canadian Theatre Encyclopedia
Dalla homepage del
The Encyclopedia collects and disseminates
information on plays, playwrights and theatre practitioners. It does not
respond to requests for information, auditions, bookings, or tickets.
Encyclopedia of Canadian Theatre web site was originally conceived and
developed in 1996 by Gaetan Charlebois—theatre critic, playwright, and
Workshop - Dramatic Structures
Pagina web del sito
Drama Workshop,
dedicata a indicare, seppure per sommi capi, le caratteristiche che
contraddistinguono varie forme drammaturgicche.
Dalla homepage del
What is a 10-minute play? Ever wonder about the difference between a one act
& a three act play? Are musicals strictly three acts? What is the structure
of a three act play? If you've ever asked yourself these questions, or you
just have a question about the basic concepts of dramatic structures, then
all you have to do is click
HERE for the answers
PeoplePlay UK – Theatre History Online
Dalla Home page del
PeoplePlay UK aims to bring theatre history to life on the web and increase
access to the Theatre Museum’s collections for the non–specialist user. The
site contains 1500 digitised images as well as structured learning packs
offering guided tours through the collection and timeline histories. The
site has been funded by the New Opportunities Fund and is part of the
EnrichUK portal.
The Theatre Collections
Online at Victoria
and Albert Museum
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The Theatre
Collections Online.
This is just the beginning. In the future Theatre Collections Online will
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Theatre History
The WWW Virtual
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"This site really does come close to having
everything you ever wanted to know on the subject under a single umbrella. A
good place to start any bibliographic search and a gateway to on-line journals
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sito gestito dall'Università di Toronto).
al menù
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Home Page Letteratura Inglese per Interculturalità
Avvertenza importante!!!
Internet e il web in generale sono strumenti
"in fieri", continuo e dinamico. Un grande libro che si scrive e che
si legge senza soluzione di continuità. Questo significa che, in pratica, ogni
minuto nuovi siti compaiono e, ahimé, vecchi siti cessano di esistere. O, più
semplicemente, vengono messi "off line" temporaneamente per
"manutenzione" e "revisione".
Questa collezione di links utili, ben lungi
dall'essere esaustiva o anche solo esauriente, è piuttosto una
"collazione" di URL tra le migliaia incontrate nel corso della mia
ricerca. Per quanti sforzi si facciano per assicurare la continua fruibilità di
un sito, non è possibile garantire che questa fruibilità sia eterna.
Chi dovesse incontrare difficoltà ad
accedere a uno o più di questi links, è pregato di comunicarlo scrivendo al
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Parimenti, chi nel
corso delle proprie ricerche
incontra un qualche link utile agli argomenti dei miei moduli o comunque
meritevole di essere incluso in questa pagina, è pregato di notificarlo.
Ringrazio in anticipo chiunque si senta di
collaborare a mantenere aggiornato questo piccolo strumento di ricerca!
Ultimo aggiornamento: 14 aprile 2008